Customer Lifetime Value#

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline


from import *
from import * #We need to import this after fastai modules
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression

Getting Dataset#

#kaggle datasets download -d pankajjsh06/ibm-watson-marketing-customer-value-data
path = untar_data("kaggle_datasets::pankajjsh06/ibm-watson-marketing-customer-value-data"); path
(#1) [Path('/content/drive/MyDrive/PPV/S_Personal_Study/aiking/data/ibm-watson-marketing-customer-value-data/WA_Fn-UseC_-Marketing-Customer-Value-Analysis.csv')]
df = pd.read_csv(path/"WA_Fn-UseC_-Marketing-Customer-Value-Analysis.csv")
0 1 2 3 4
Customer BU79786 QZ44356 AI49188 WW63253 HB64268
State Washington Arizona Nevada California Washington
Customer Lifetime Value 2763.519279 6979.535903 12887.43165 7645.861827 2813.692575
Response No No No No No
Coverage Basic Extended Premium Basic Basic
Education Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor
Effective To Date 2/24/11 1/31/11 2/19/11 1/20/11 2/3/11
EmploymentStatus Employed Unemployed Employed Unemployed Employed
Gender F F F M M
Income 56274 0 48767 0 43836
Location Code Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Rural
Marital Status Married Single Married Married Single
Monthly Premium Auto 69 94 108 106 73
Months Since Last Claim 32 13 18 18 12
Months Since Policy Inception 5 42 38 65 44
Number of Open Complaints 0 0 0 0 0
Number of Policies 1 8 2 7 1
Policy Type Corporate Auto Personal Auto Personal Auto Corporate Auto Personal Auto
Policy Corporate L3 Personal L3 Personal L3 Corporate L2 Personal L1
Renew Offer Type Offer1 Offer3 Offer1 Offer1 Offer1
Sales Channel Agent Agent Agent Call Center Agent
Total Claim Amount 384.811147 1131.464935 566.472247 529.881344 138.130879
Vehicle Class Two-Door Car Four-Door Car Two-Door Car SUV Four-Door Car
Vehicle Size Medsize Medsize Medsize Medsize Medsize