Naive Bayes#


from fastcore.all import *
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import rich
from rich.console import Console
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import twitter_samples
import re                                  # library for regular expression operations
import string                              # for string operations
from nltk.corpus import stopwords          # module for stop words that come with NLTK
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer        # module for stemming
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer   # module for tokenizing strings
import string
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
console = Console()
console.print("Hello Naive Bayes", style='red')
Hello Naive Bayes

Download Dataset and Read Dataset#'twitter_samples')'stopwords')
[nltk_data] Downloading package twitter_samples to
[nltk_data]     /home/rahul.saraf/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package twitter_samples is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     /home/rahul.saraf/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
ptweets = twitter_samples.strings('positive_tweets.json')
ntweets = twitter_samples.strings('negative_tweets.json')
df = pd.DataFrame({'positive':ptweets, 'negative':ntweets}).unstack().reset_index().drop(columns=['level_1']).rename(columns={'level_0':'class', 0:'tweets'})
class tweets
0 positive #FollowFriday @France_Inte @PKuchly57 @Milipol...
1 positive @Lamb2ja Hey James! How odd :/ Please call our...
2 positive @DespiteOfficial we had a listen last night :)...
3 positive @97sides CONGRATS :)
4 positive yeaaaah yippppy!!! my accnt verified rqst has...
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 10000 entries, 0 to 9999
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------  --------------  ----- 
 0   class   10000 non-null  object
 1   tweets  10000 non-null  object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 156.4+ KB


tweet = df.loc[2277, 'tweets']; tweet
'My beautiful sunflowers on a sunny Friday morning off :) #sunflowers #favourites #happy #Friday off…'

Clean & Stem Tweet#

def remove_old_style(tweet): return re.sub(r'^RT[\s]+', '', tweet)
def remove_url(tweet): return re.sub(r'https?://[^\s\n\r]+', '', tweet)
def remove_hash(tweet): return re.sub(r'#', "", tweet)
tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False, strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
skip_words = stopwords.words('english')+list(string.punctuation)
stemmer = PorterStemmer() 
def filter_stem_tokens(tweet_tokens, skip_words=skip_words, stemmer=stemmer): 
    return [ stemmer.stem(token) for token in tweet_tokens if token not in skip_words]

process_tweet = compose(remove_old_style, remove_url, remove_hash, tokenizer.tokenize, filter_stem_tokens)
# skip_words
df['Ptweets'] = df['tweets'].apply(process_tweet)
# df['Ptweets_join'] = df['Ptweets'].apply(lambda row: u" ".join(row))
tweet = df.loc[2277, "Ptweets"]
def check_token(tweet, token): 
    if token in tweet : return True
    else: return False

token = ":)"
df[df['Ptweets'].apply(lambda row: check_token(row, token))]
class tweets Ptweets
0 positive #FollowFriday @France_Inte @PKuchly57 @Milipol... [followfriday, top, engag, member, commun, wee...
1 positive @Lamb2ja Hey James! How odd :/ Please call our... [hey, jame, odd, :/, pleas, call, contact, cen...
2 positive @DespiteOfficial we had a listen last night :)... [listen, last, night, :), bleed, amaz, track, ...
3 positive @97sides CONGRATS :) [congrat, :)]
4 positive yeaaaah yippppy!!! my accnt verified rqst has... [yeaaah, yipppi, accnt, verifi, rqst, succeed,...
... ... ... ...
4996 positive @RachelLiskeard Thanks for the shout-out :) It... [thank, shout-out, :), great, aboard]
4997 positive @side556 Hey! :) Long time no talk... [hey, :), long, time, talk, ...]
4998 positive @staybubbly69 as Matt would say. WELCOME TO AD... [matt, would, say, welcom, adulthood, ..., :)]
6736 negative @Israelgirly They sure do, esp now when ppl ar... [sure, esp, ppl, talk, crap, milli, >:(, i'll,...
7244 negative @wtfxmbs AMBS please it's harry's jeans :)):):):( [amb, pleas, harry', jean, :), ):, ):, ):]

3543 rows × 3 columns

# df[df['Ptweets_join'].str.contains

Creating Freqeuncy Dataframe#

def get_word_count(token):
    d = df[df['Ptweets'].apply(lambda row: check_token(row, token))]['class'].value_counts().to_dict()
    return {'word': token, 'positive':d.get('positive',0), 'negative':d.get('negative', 0)}
def build_freqs(df):
    tokens = list(set(df['Ptweets'].sum()))
    df_freqs = pd.DataFrame([get_word_count(token) for token in tokens]).set_index('word'); 
    # Laplace smoothing formulae for probability
    V = df_freqs.shape[0]
    df_freqs['log_pos_prob'] = np.log((df_freqs['positive']+1)/(df_freqs['positive'].sum()+V))
    df_freqs['log_neg_prob'] = np.log((df_freqs['negative']+1)/(df_freqs['negative'].sum()+V))
    df_freqs['lambda'] = df_freqs['log_pos_prob'] - df_freqs['log_neg_prob']
    return df_freqs
df_freqs = build_freqs(df)
# np.log(df_freqs['pos_prob'])
# good_keys = df.index.intersection()
# df_freqs.loc[good_keys]
l = df_freqs.head().index.tolist()
positive negative log_pos_prob log_neg_prob lambda
sweden 0 1 -10.688279 -9.972150 -0.716129
jackson 0 3 -10.688279 -9.279003 -1.409276
gl 1 0 -9.995132 -10.665298 0.670166
shake 2 1 -9.589667 -9.972150 0.382484
hee 1 0 -9.995132 -10.665298 0.670166

Extract Features from tweet#

tweet = df.loc[2277, "Ptweets"]
l = df_freqs.loc[tweet].sum().tolist()
[4174.0, 119.0, -76.26418672683839, -96.03713892386281, 19.77295219702441, 1]
def score_tweet(tweet, df_freqs):
    l = df_freqs.loc[df_freqs.index.intersection(tweet)].sum().tolist() 
    # Do intersection to take keys that exist in frequency table and skip which don't 
    return l
tweet, score_tweet(tweet, df_freqs)
# df_freqs.loc[]
# This is a data leak . Build Frequency and scoring only on train_df
df['positive'], df['negative'],df['log_pos_prob'], df['log_neg_prob'], df['lambda'] , df['bias']=zip(*df['Ptweets'].map(lambda row : score_tweet(row, df_freqs)))
df['sentiment'] = 0
df.loc[df['class']=='positive', 'sentiment'] = 1
class tweets Ptweets positive negative log_pos_prob log_neg_prob lambda bias sentiment
0 positive #FollowFriday @France_Inte @PKuchly57 @Milipol... [followfriday, top, engag, member, commun, wee... 3737.0 69.0 -47.021071 -64.579054 17.557983 1 1
1 positive @Lamb2ja Hey James! How odd :/ Please call our... [hey, jame, odd, :/, pleas, call, contact, cen... 4448.0 473.0 -107.276901 -116.195717 8.918815 1 1
2 positive @DespiteOfficial we had a listen last night :)... [listen, last, night, :), bleed, amaz, track, ... 3728.0 159.0 -58.478652 -67.157334 8.678683 1 1
3 positive @97sides CONGRATS :) [congrat, :)] 3562.0 4.0 -10.113069 -19.133371 9.020302 1 1
4 positive yeaaaah yippppy!!! my accnt verified rqst has... [yeaaah, yipppi, accnt, verifi, rqst, succeed,... 3878.0 273.0 -129.201531 -141.211416 12.009885 1 1
positive         33332.000000
negative         32336.000000
log_pos_prob   -104991.038240
log_neg_prob   -104871.983649
lambda            -119.054592
dtype: float64


df = pd.DataFrame({'positive':ptweets, 'negative':ntweets}).unstack().reset_index().drop(columns=['level_1']).rename(columns={'level_0':'class', 0:'tweets'})
df['Ptweets'] = df['tweets'].apply(process_tweet)
train_df = pd.concat([df[:4000],df[5000:9000]])
test_df =  pd.concat([df[4000:5000],df[9000:10000]])
df_freqs = build_freqs(train_df)
positive negative log_pos_prob log_neg_prob lambda
sweden 0 1 -10.638928 -9.923462 -0.715466
jackson 0 3 -10.638928 -9.230315 -1.408613
gl 1 0 -9.945780 -10.616609 0.670828
shake 2 1 -9.540315 -9.923462 0.383146
hee 1 0 -9.945780 -10.616609 0.670828
... ... ... ... ... ...
control 1 2 -9.945780 -9.517997 -0.427784
590 0 1 -10.638928 -9.923462 -0.715466
who' 9 7 -8.336343 -8.537167 0.200825
school' 1 0 -9.945780 -10.616609 0.670828
ladygaga 0 1 -10.638928 -9.923462 -0.715466

9162 rows × 5 columns

bd = train_df['class'].value_counts().to_dict()
bias = np.log(bd['positive']/bd['negative'])
train_df['positive'], train_df['negative'], train_df['log_pos_prob'], train_df['log_neg_prob'], train_df['lambda'] , train_df['bias']=zip(*train_df['Ptweets'].map(lambda row : score_tweet(row, df_freqs)))
train_df['prediction'] = train_df['lambda']+bias > 0
train_df['actual'] = train_df['class'] == 'positive'
(train_df['actual'] == train_df['prediction']).mean() # accuracy
test_df['positive'], test_df['negative'], test_df['log_pos_prob'], test_df['log_neg_prob'], test_df['lambda'] , test_df['bias']=zip(*test_df['Ptweets'].map(lambda row : score_tweet(row, df_freqs)))
test_df['prediction'] = test_df['lambda']+bias > 0
test_df['actual'] = test_df['class'] == 'positive'
(test_df['actual'] == test_df['prediction']).mean() # accuracy


sns.scatterplot(data=train_df, x='log_pos_prob', y='log_neg_prob', hue='class')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='log_pos_prob', ylabel='log_neg_prob'>

Confidence Elipse#

data_pos = train_df[train_df['class']=='positive']
data_neg = train_df[train_df['class']=='negative']
x = data_pos['log_pos_prob']
y = data_pos['log_neg_prob']
cov_mat= np.cov(x,y)
array([[832.64706392, 866.45359717],
       [866.45359717, 911.72992453]])
pearson = cov_mat[0,1]/np.sqrt(cov_mat[0,0]*cov_mat[1,1])
ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1+pearson)
ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1-pearson)
ell_radius_x, ell_radius_y
(1.4122489846361743, 0.07451714832234908)
scale_x = np.sqrt(cov_mat[0,0])*n_std;  mean_x = np.mean(x)
scale_x, mean_x
(86.56687342915261, -45.98846279441421)
scale_y = np.sqrt(cov_mat[1,1])*n_std;  mean_y = np.mean(y)
scale_y, mean_y
(90.58459759147846, -55.61467522963381)
def calc_ellipses_data(x,y, n_std=3.0):
    cov_mat= np.cov(x,y)
    pearson = cov_mat[0,1]/np.sqrt(cov_mat[0,0]*cov_mat[1,1])
    ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1+pearson)
    ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1-pearson)
    scale_x = np.sqrt(cov_mat[0,0])*n_std
    mean_x = np.mean(x)
    scale_y = np.sqrt(cov_mat[1,1])*n_std
    mean_y = np.mean(y)
    return ell_radius_x, scale_x, mean_x, ell_radius_y, scale_y, mean_y
def draw_ellipse(data, ax, facecolor='None', **kwargs):
    ell_radius_x, scale_x, mean_x, ell_radius_y, scale_y, mean_y = data
    ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0),
                  width=ell_radius_x * 2,
                  height=ell_radius_y * 2,
    transf = transforms.Affine2D() \
        .rotate_deg(45) \
        .scale(scale_x, scale_y) \
        .translate(mean_x, mean_y)
    ellipse.set_transform(transf + ax.transData)
    return ax.add_patch(ellipse)
def plot_naive_bayes(df, ax=None, title='data'):
    data_pos = df[df['class']=='positive']
    data_neg = df[df['class']=='negative']
    if ax is None:fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11.7, 8.27))
    sns.scatterplot(data=train_df, x='log_pos_prob', y='log_neg_prob', hue='class', ax=ax)
    x = data_pos['log_pos_prob']
    y = data_pos['log_neg_prob']
    ellipse_data_2std=calc_ellipses_data(x,y, n_std=2)
    draw_ellipse(ellipse_data_2std, ax, edgecolor='black', linestyle=':',label=r'$2\sigma$')
    ellipse_data_3std=calc_ellipses_data(x,y, n_std=3)
    draw_ellipse(ellipse_data_3std, ax, edgecolor='black')
    x = data_neg['log_pos_prob']
    y = data_neg['log_neg_prob']
    ellipse_data_2std=calc_ellipses_data(x,y, n_std=2)
    draw_ellipse(ellipse_data_2std, ax, edgecolor='red', linestyle=':')
    ellipse_data_3std=calc_ellipses_data(x,y, n_std=3)
    draw_ellipse(ellipse_data_3std, ax, edgecolor='red',label=r'$3\sigma$')
    return ax

plot_naive_bayes(train_df, title='Train')
plot_naive_bayes(test_df, title='Test')
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Test'}, xlabel='log_pos_prob', ylabel='log_neg_prob'>
../../_images/02_naive_bayes_50_1.png ../../_images/02_naive_bayes_50_2.png