Channel Attribution Analysis
Channel Attribution Analysis#
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn
import numpy as np
import pickle
import joblib
import itertools
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
Read the Dataset#
Cookie: Randomly generated customer id enabling us to tie subsequent visits back to the same customer
Timestamp: Date and time when the visit took place
Interaction: Categorical variable indicating the type of interaction that took place
Conversion: Boolean variable indicating whether a conversion took place
Conversion Value: Value of the potential conversion event
Channel: The marketing channel that brought the customer to our site
df = pd.read_csv("attribution data.csv"); df.head().T
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
cookie | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | 0000nACkD9nFkBBDECD3ki00E |
time | 2018-07-03T13:02:11Z | 2018-07-17T19:15:07Z | 2018-07-24T15:51:46Z | 2018-07-29T07:44:51Z | 2018-07-03T09:44:57Z |
interaction | impression | impression | impression | impression | impression |
conversion | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
conversion_value | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
channel | Online Display | Online Display | Online Display | Paid Search |
(586737, 6)
cookie | time | interaction | conversion | conversion_value | channel | |
count | 586737 | 586737 | 586737 | 586737.000000 | 586737.000000 | 586737 |
unique | 240108 | 485110 | 2 | NaN | NaN | 5 |
top | FDkCnkBiB7FiE9oBDC7ifn7kF | 2018-07-14T20:50:09Z | impression | NaN | NaN | |
freq | 134 | 12 | 569098 | NaN | NaN | 175741 |
mean | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.030063 | 0.187871 | NaN |
std | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.170760 | 1.084498 | NaN |
min | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN |
25% | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN |
50% | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN |
75% | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN |
max | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.000000 | 8.500000 | NaN |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 586737 entries, 0 to 586736
Data columns (total 6 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 cookie 586737 non-null object
1 time 586737 non-null object
2 interaction 586737 non-null object
3 conversion 586737 non-null int64
4 conversion_value 586737 non-null float64
5 channel 586737 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 26.9+ MB
df = df.sort_values(['cookie', 'time'], ascending=[False, True])
cookie | time | interaction | conversion | conversion_value | channel | |
586736 | ooooohAFofEnonEikhAi3fF9o | 2018-07-14T17:17:12Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Paid Search |
586734 | ooooiBh70D3k3BfAhDFfii9h7 | 2018-07-03T12:57:25Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Paid Search |
586735 | ooooiBh70D3k3BfAhDFfii9h7 | 2018-07-19T08:17:59Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Video |
586731 | ooooEiB0CCoEf9fiiC90Dfhfk | 2018-07-06T23:30:38Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Display |
586732 | ooooEiB0CCoEf9fiiC90Dfhfk | 2018-07-12T23:50:45Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Display |
df['visit_store'] = df.groupby('cookie').cumcount() +1 #Number of times a user visit store
cookie | time | interaction | conversion | conversion_value | channel | visit_store | |
586736 | ooooohAFofEnonEikhAi3fF9o | 2018-07-14T17:17:12Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Paid Search | 1 |
586734 | ooooiBh70D3k3BfAhDFfii9h7 | 2018-07-03T12:57:25Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Paid Search | 1 |
586735 | ooooiBh70D3k3BfAhDFfii9h7 | 2018-07-19T08:17:59Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Video | 2 |
586731 | ooooEiB0CCoEf9fiiC90Dfhfk | 2018-07-06T23:30:38Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Display | 1 |
586732 | ooooEiB0CCoEf9fiiC90Dfhfk | 2018-07-12T23:50:45Z | impression | 0 | 0.0 | Online Display | 2 |
Converting user channel to path format
df_paths = df.groupby('cookie')['channel'].agg(lambda x: x.unique().tolist()).reset_index(); df_paths.head()
cookie | channel | |
0 | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | [Instagram, Online Display] |
1 | 0000nACkD9nFkBBDECD3ki00E | [Paid Search] |
2 | 0003EfE37E93D0BC03iBhBBhF | [Paid Search] |
3 | 00073CFE3FoFCn70fBhB3kfon | [Instagram] |
4 | 00079hhBkDF3k3kDkiFi9EFAD | [Paid Search] |
df_last_interaction = df.drop_duplicates('cookie', keep='last')[['cookie', 'conversion']]
cookie | conversion | |
586736 | ooooohAFofEnonEikhAi3fF9o | 0 |
586735 | ooooiBh70D3k3BfAhDFfii9h7 | 0 |
586733 | ooooEiB0CCoEf9fiiC90Dfhfk | 0 |
586730 | ooooEBE0o0D97ACAAAnDoi3F0 | 0 |
586729 | ooooE0hkAFBkED90ChDDiBFAf | 0 |
df_combined = pd.merge(df_paths, df_last_interaction, how='left', on='cookie'); df_combined.head()
cookie | channel | conversion | |
0 | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | [Instagram, Online Display] | 0 |
1 | 0000nACkD9nFkBBDECD3ki00E | [Paid Search] | 0 |
2 | 0003EfE37E93D0BC03iBhBBhF | [Paid Search] | 0 |
3 | 00073CFE3FoFCn70fBhB3kfon | [Instagram] | 0 |
4 | 00079hhBkDF3k3kDkiFi9EFAD | [Paid Search] | 0 |
# df_combined['channel'] =
def mod_channel_list(row):
if row['conversion']==1: row = ['Start']+row['channel']+['Conversion']
else: row = ['Start']+row['channel']+['Null']
return row
df_combined['channel'] = df_combined.apply(mod_channel_list,axis=1); df_combined.head()
cookie | channel | conversion | |
0 | 00000FkCnDfDDf0iC97iC703B | [Start, Instagram, Online Display, Null] | 0 |
1 | 0000nACkD9nFkBBDECD3ki00E | [Start, Paid Search, Null] | 0 |
2 | 0003EfE37E93D0BC03iBhBBhF | [Start, Paid Search, Null] | 0 |
3 | 00073CFE3FoFCn70fBhB3kfon | [Start, Instagram, Null] | 0 |
4 | 00079hhBkDF3k3kDkiFi9EFAD | [Start, Paid Search, Null] | 0 |
Markov Chain Modelling#
list_of_channels = df_combined['channel']
0 [Start, Instagram, Online Display, Null]
1 [Start, Paid Search, Null]
2 [Start, Paid Search, Null]
3 [Start, Instagram, Null]
4 [Start, Paid Search, Null]
240103 [Start, Online Display, Null]
240104 [Start, Online Display, Null]
240105 [Start, Online Display, Null]
240106 [Start, Paid Search, Online Video, Null]
240107 [Start, Paid Search, Null]
Name: channel, Length: 240108, dtype: object
for channels in df_combined['channel'].tolist():
if channels.count('Conversion'):
['Start', 'Paid Search', 'Conversion']
total_conversions = df_combined['conversion'].sum()
base_conversion_rate = df_combined['conversion'].mean()
total_conversions, base_conversion_rate
(17639, 0.07346277508454528)
list_of_paths = df_combined['channel']
list_of_unique_channels = set(x for element in list_of_paths for x in element); list_of_unique_channels
'Online Display',
'Online Video',
'Paid Search',
transition_states = {x+'>'+y: 0 for x in list_of_unique_channels for y in list_of_unique_channels}
transition_state={a+'>'+b: 0 for a,b in itertools.product(list_of_unique_channels, list_of_unique_channels)}
i = 0
for user_path in list_of_paths:
print([i for i,s in enumerate(user_path)])
i = i+1
if i == 10: break
'Null>Online Video'
transitions = list_of_paths.str.join('>')
0 Start>Instagram>Online Display>Null
1 Start>Paid Search>Null
2 Start>Paid Search>Null
3 Start>Instagram>Null
4 Start>Paid Search>Null
240103 Start>Online Display>Null
240104 Start>Online Display>Null
240105 Start>Online Display>Null
240106 Start>Paid Search>Online Video>Null
240107 Start>Paid Search>Null
Name: channel, Length: 240108, dtype: object
for a,b in itertools.product(list_of_unique_channels, list_of_unique_channels)
if transitions.str.contains(a+'>'+b).sum() > 0}
start_keys = list(set(k.split('>')[0] for k in transition_states.keys())); start_keys
['Online Video',
'Paid Search',
'Online Display',
sel_key = start_keys[0]
for k in transition_states
if k.startswith(sel_key)])
for sel_key in start_keys}
{'Online Video': 40962,
'Paid Search': 88840,
'Instagram': 49466,
'Online Display': 42604,
'Start': 240108,
'Facebook': 88125}
transition_prob = {k: v/dict_start_keys[k.split('>')[0]] for k, v in transition_states.items()}
{'Online Video>Conversion': 0.0781455983594551,
'Online Video>Null': 0.7637566525072018,
'Online Video>Instagram': 0.03190762169815927,
'Online Video>Paid Search': 0.04794687759386749,
'Online Video>Online Display': 0.018919974610614718,
'Online Video>Facebook': 0.059323275230701626,
'Instagram>Conversion': 0.057979218048760765,
'Instagram>Null': 0.6297861157158452,
'Instagram>Online Video': 0.024117575708567502,
'Instagram>Paid Search': 0.04580924271216593,
'Instagram>Online Display': 0.023531314438199977,
'Instagram>Facebook': 0.2187765333764606,
'Paid Search>Conversion': 0.053309320126069336,
'Paid Search>Null': 0.7707789284106259,
'Paid Search>Online Video': 0.029221071589374155,
'Paid Search>Instagram': 0.03419630796938316,
'Paid Search>Online Display': 0.04805267897343539,
'Paid Search>Facebook': 0.06444169293111211,
'Online Display>Conversion': 0.05032391324758239,
'Online Display>Null': 0.7566425687728852,
'Online Display>Online Video': 0.017298845178856444,
'Online Display>Instagram': 0.02936344005257722,
'Online Display>Paid Search': 0.09238569148436766,
'Online Display>Facebook': 0.053985541263731104,
'Start>Online Video': 0.14236093757808985,
'Start>Instagram': 0.11918803205224315,
'Start>Paid Search': 0.31739883718993117,
'Start>Online Display': 0.14264414346877238,
'Start>Facebook': 0.2784080497109634,
'Facebook>Conversion': 0.053219858156028366,
'Facebook>Null': 0.6731234042553191,
'Facebook>Online Video': 0.025577304964539006,
'Facebook>Instagram': 0.1730723404255319,
'Facebook>Paid Search': 0.05065531914893617,
'Facebook>Online Display': 0.02435177304964539}
transition_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_of_unique_channels, index=list_of_unique_channels)
Conversion | Null | Online Video | Paid Search | Online Display | Start | |||
Conversion | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Null | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Online Video | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
Paid Search | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Online Display | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Start | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
for k,v in transition_prob.items():
origin, dest = k.split('>')[origin, dest] = v['Conversion','Conversion'] = 1.0['Null','Null'] = 1.0
Conversion | Null | Online Video | Paid Search | Online Display | Start | |||
Conversion | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | 0.000000 |
Null | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | 0.000000 |
Online Video | 0.078146 | 0.763757 | 0.000000 | 0.031908 | 0.047947 | 0.018920 | 0 | 0.059323 |
0.057979 | 0.629786 | 0.024118 | 0.000000 | 0.045809 | 0.023531 | 0 | 0.218777 | |
Paid Search | 0.053309 | 0.770779 | 0.029221 | 0.034196 | 0.000000 | 0.048053 | 0 | 0.064442 |
Online Display | 0.050324 | 0.756643 | 0.017299 | 0.029363 | 0.092386 | 0.000000 | 0 | 0.053986 |
Start | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.142361 | 0.119188 | 0.317399 | 0.142644 | 0 | 0.278408 |
0.053220 | 0.673123 | 0.025577 | 0.173072 | 0.050655 | 0.024352 | 0 | 0.000000 |
sns.heatmap(data=transition_matrix, annot=True, cmap='Greens')

Assessing Removal Effect#
A Markov graph can be used to measure the importance of each campaign by calculating what is known as the Removal Effect. A campaign’s effectiveness is determined by removing it from the graph and simulating buyer journeys to measure the change in success rate without it in place. Removal Effect is a proxy for weight, and it’s calculated for each campaign in the Markov graph.
Using Removal Effect for marketing attribution is the final piece of the puzzle. To calculate each campaign’s attribution value we can use the following formula: A = V * (Rt / Rv)
A = Campaign’s attribution value
V = Total value to divide. For example, the total USD value of all successful buyer journeys used as input to the Markov model
Rt = Campaign’s Removal Effect
Rv = Sum of all Removal Effect values
# channels = [col for col in transition_matrix.columns.tolist()
# if col not in ['Start','Null', 'Conversion']]
# channels
# removal_effect_dict = {}
# chnl = channels[0]
# removal_df = transition_matrix.drop(chnl, axis=0).drop(chnl, axis=1)
# sel_col = removal_df.columns[2]; sel_col
# row_sum=np.sum(removal_df.loc[sel_col])
# removal_df.loc[sel_col,'Null']= 1.0 - row_sum
# removal_to_conv = removal_df[['Null', 'Conversion']].drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=0)
# removal_to_non_conv = removal_df.drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=1).drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=0)
# removal_inv_diff = np.linalg.inv(np.identity(len(removal_to_non_conv.columns)) - np.asarray(removal_to_non_conv))
# removal_inv_diff
# removal_dot_prod = removal_inv_diff@np.asarray(removal_to_conv)
# removal_cvr_df = pd.DataFrame(removal_dot_prod, index=removal_to_conv.index)
# removal_cvr = removal_cvr_df[[1]].loc['Start'].values[0]
# removal_effect = 1 -removal_cvr/base_conversion_rate
# removal_effect_dict[chnl] = removal_effect
def get_removal_effect_dict(transition_matrix, base_conversion_rate):
channels = [col for col in transition_matrix.columns.tolist()
if col not in ['Start','Null', 'Conversion']]; channels
removal_effect_dict = {}
for chnl in channels:
removal_df = transition_matrix.drop(chnl, axis=0).drop(chnl, axis=1)
for sel_col in removal_df.columns:
removal_df.loc[sel_col,'Null']= 1.0 - row_sum
removal_to_conv = removal_df[['Null', 'Conversion']].drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=0)
removal_to_non_conv = removal_df.drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=1).drop(['Null', 'Conversion'], axis=0)
removal_inv_diff = np.linalg.inv(np.identity(len(removal_to_non_conv.columns)) - np.asarray(removal_to_non_conv))
# removal_inv_diff
removal_dot_prod = removal_inv_diff@np.asarray(removal_to_conv)
removal_cvr_df = pd.DataFrame(removal_dot_prod, index=removal_to_conv.index)
removal_cvr = removal_cvr_df[[1]].loc['Start'].values[0]
removal_effect = 1 -removal_cvr/base_conversion_rate
removal_effect_dict[chnl] = removal_effect
return removal_effect_dict
removal_effect_dict= get_removal_effect_dict(transition_matrix, base_conversion_rate)
{'Online Video': 0.20691411655642178,
'Instagram': 0.21731366149038456,
'Paid Search': 0.3311037560086154,
'Online Display': 0.15435482356041275,
'Facebook': 0.3547597674182721}
# removal_df.loc[sel_col], sel_col # first row,
# removal_df
def markov_chain_allocations(removal_effect_dict, total_conversions):
re_sum = np.sum(list(removal_effect_dict.values()))
return {k: (v/re_sum)* total_conversions for k,v in removal_effect_dict.items()}
allocations = markov_chain_allocations(removal_effect_dict, total_conversions)
{'Online Video': 2886.4480895461456,
'Instagram': 3031.521548555893,
'Paid Search': 4618.891257291356,
'Online Display': 2153.2469267590823,
'Facebook': 4948.892177847523}
ax = sns.catplot(data=pd.Series(allocations).sort_index().to_frame().reset_index(),
x='index', y=0, kind='bar')
# ax.xticks(rotation = 45)