Feature Engineering#

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from aiking.data.external import * #We need to import this after fastai modules
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from IPython.display import display, Image

0 oxford-iiit-pet
1 DoppelGanger
2 mnist_sample
3 Bears
4 camvid_tiny
5 imdb
6 california-housing-prices
7 adult_sample
8 imdb_tok
9 movie_lens_sample
10 titanic
11 Artsie
12 dummytbl
path = get_ds("california-housing-prices"); path
(#3) [Path('/Landmark2/pdo/aiking/data/california-housing-prices/housing.csv'),Path('/Landmark2/pdo/aiking/data/california-housing-prices/housing_address.csv'),Path('/Landmark2/pdo/aiking/data/california-housing-prices/merged.csv')]
df = pd.read_csv(path/"merged.csv", index_col=0); df.head()
longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value ocean_proximity street_number route locality-political postal_code
0 -122.23 37.88 41.0 880.0 129.0 322.0 126.0 8.3252 452600.0 NEAR BAY 3130 Grizzly Peak Boulevard Berkeley 94705.0
1 -122.22 37.86 21.0 7099.0 1106.0 2401.0 1138.0 8.3014 358500.0 NEAR BAY 2005 Tunnel Road Oakland 94611.0
2 -122.24 37.85 52.0 1467.0 190.0 496.0 177.0 7.2574 352100.0 NEAR BAY 6886 Chabot Road Oakland 94618.0
3 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1274.0 235.0 558.0 219.0 5.6431 341300.0 NEAR BAY 6365 Florio Street Oakland 94618.0
4 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1627.0 280.0 565.0 259.0 3.8462 342200.0 NEAR BAY 6365 Florio Street Oakland 94618.0
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
longitude 20640.0 -119.569704 2.003532 -124.3500 -121.8000 -118.4900 -118.01000 -114.3100
latitude 20640.0 35.631861 2.135952 32.5400 33.9300 34.2600 37.71000 41.9500
housing_median_age 20640.0 28.639486 12.585558 1.0000 18.0000 29.0000 37.00000 52.0000
total_rooms 20640.0 2635.763081 2181.615252 2.0000 1447.7500 2127.0000 3148.00000 39320.0000
total_bedrooms 20433.0 537.870553 421.385070 1.0000 296.0000 435.0000 647.00000 6445.0000
population 20640.0 1425.476744 1132.462122 3.0000 787.0000 1166.0000 1725.00000 35682.0000
households 20640.0 499.539680 382.329753 1.0000 280.0000 409.0000 605.00000 6082.0000
median_income 20640.0 3.870671 1.899822 0.4999 2.5634 3.5348 4.74325 15.0001
median_house_value 20640.0 206855.816909 115395.615874 14999.0000 119600.0000 179700.0000 264725.00000 500001.0000
postal_code 20454.0 92996.901926 1858.067396 85344.0000 91505.2500 92840.0000 94601.00000 96161.0000
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 20640 entries, 0 to 20639
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------              --------------  -----  
 0   longitude           20640 non-null  float64
 1   latitude            20640 non-null  float64
 2   housing_median_age  20640 non-null  float64
 3   total_rooms         20640 non-null  float64
 4   total_bedrooms      20433 non-null  float64
 5   population          20640 non-null  float64
 6   households          20640 non-null  float64
 7   median_income       20640 non-null  float64
 8   median_house_value  20640 non-null  float64
 9   ocean_proximity     20640 non-null  object 
 10  street_number       19008 non-null  object 
 11  route               20091 non-null  object 
 12  locality-political  20452 non-null  object 
 13  postal_code         20454 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(10), object(4)
memory usage: 2.4+ MB